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Interview Answer: Describe a time when your workload was heavy and how you handled it

advance career Jun 15, 2020

I was recently asked a question by a reader that I thought might be helpful to all of you. This question is in context of a job interview. Sometimes even the best of us can get stumped by a question asked to us in an interview process.

This is why I recommend that you hold mock interviews. It is even a good idea to read over as many of the most common interview questions as you can in order to be better prepared (see 34 of the most common interview questions).

 Here is the question that the reader wanted help answering:

Describe a time when your workload was heavy and how you handled it.

Great question. My answer would be:

“During times of heavy workload, I like to exhibit patience with a sense of urgency. I try not to let my customers see that my workload is heavy, yet I try to work at maximum efficiency.

Being well-organized and having a solid grasp on proper procedures helps this in a big way. An example of what I am talking about is like a duck on the water. Above...

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How to Leave a Voicemail for a Job Interview [3 Methods]

advance career Jun 15, 2020

You apply to a job you found online only to hear nothing several days later. You begin to wonder if they saw your resume at all. Even worse, you wonder if someone in HR saw it but did not pass it along to the actual hiring manager.

How do you make sure you’re not a fit? The only real way to find out is to have a conversation with someone. Majority of applicants never even place a phone call because they have a fear of rejection. Sometimes, I think we would rather move on to the next opening than face rejection.

What you must realize is everyone faces rejection when seeking work. You can’t be an ideal fit in every situation. Decide you would rather find out you are not a fit then sit and wonder if they ever saw your resume in the first place. This is where voicemail comes into play.

How to Leave a Voicemail for a Job Interview [3 Methods]

Let me say up front your ultimate goal should always be to get them on the phone first. This is why I recommend calling a few times...

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A 30 Day Guide on How to Launch a Mastermind Group [PDF]

advance career Jun 15, 2020

Total isolation. That’s how I felt at the beginning of 2013. I had left a successful career as an Executive Search Consultant to pursue my passion for blogging. I went from spending the majority of my work day connecting with people to isolation in my home office.

At first, this was a welcomed break. Less people demanding of my time felt good. The ability to have creative freedom was just the jolt of inspiration I needed.

Becoming increasingly isolated was not. Even though I had built several income streams in my online business, I knew I was hitting a potential plateau. Have you ever felt like you were hitting a potential plateau?

A potential plateau is when you have a lid on your potential that only others can lift for you.

So, I did it. I chose just one word that would be my theme for 2013 – connection.

I desperately needed to surround myself with other passionate people who were headed in the same direction. In a matter of 30 days, I launched a mastermind group...

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4 Tips on How to Give an Interview for a Job Opening

advance career Jun 15, 2020

Almost every adult has had to do a job interview at some point in their life, but what do you do when you're on the other side, and need to give an interview to someone else? Most new interviewers just use a standard set of interview questions with no real purpose or goal in mind. They haven't learned the art of the follow up question after someone gives an answer to their original question.

While large human resources departments will provide training for these eventualities, what do you do if you're a part of a small business who doesn't have the resources for this kind of training?

Understand the Position You're Filling

To really understand how to give an interview for your job opening, you need to understand the position you're hiring for. If this position is one you aren't familiar with, try talking to people who have held this position, either now or in the past.

Make sure you have a good idea of what is really required on the job, day to day. Is this job more physically or...

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